TAXII, short for Trusted Automated exchange of Intelligence Information, defines how cyber threat information can be shared via services and message exchanges.

It is designed specifically to support STIX information, which it does by defining an API that aligns with the common sharing model.


    Field Description
    Configuration Name Enter the configuration name
    Collection URL Enter valid collection URL, which exists on TAXII server and user has read access to it.
    Username Enter Username of the TAXII server (if any)
    Password Enter Password of the TAXII server (if any)

    Dataset integrated with TAXII

    Retrieve threat intel data

    TAXII integration will be configured in DNIF with unique configuration names, it can be configured multiple times. It stores data as a dataset in an eventstore. This is a scheduled eventstore and can be used to fetch threat intel data.




    _retrieve list

    The above query retrieves a list of all the existing event stores. The output is as shown below:

    image 2-Dec-21-2023-10-37-10-3757-AM


    _retrieve query <config_name>
    In the absence of config name, the eventstore will be named after the plugin name. Hence query accordingly.
    _retrieve query <plugin_name>

    In the pipelined query function, _retrieve directive queries the eventstore to fetch threat intel data.

    The output is as shown below:

    image 3-Dec-21-2023-10-37-20-5706-AM

    Output Structure

    Output structure will be in stix format