Syslog (Data Ingestion)

Syslog Connector can receive logs from various devices and log sources via UDP connection on port 514 of the Adapter.

How to Ingest Data without any Configuration?


Syslog Connector will be automatically added (no configurations required) while onboarding Adapter.

Follow the steps below to ingest data into DNIF without any configurations.

  • Ensure that all the components are up and running. 
  • Ensure that port 514UDP is open and is not occupied by some other services to enable forwarding of log events.
  • Log in to the server as the root user.
  • Install syslog package, if you haven’t installed it
    apt-get install rsyslog
  • Edit rsyslog configuration with vim /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf and paste following line below
    *.* @DNIF-Adapter-IP:514
  • Save the syslog configuration file.

  • Restart the rsyslog service.

    /etc/init.d/rsyslog restart

The logs will be automatically ingested into DNIF on performing the above steps