
Programatically realign your result set using sort

_sort is a query directive used to sort the result set.


The generic syntax of the _sort directive is as given below:

_sort by <$Field> [ ASC | DESC ]
  • $Field is the field based on which the result set is sorted.
  • ASC | DESC indicates the order of sorting (ascending or descending).

Take a look at the example given below:

_fetch * from event where $Stream=FIREWALL group count_unique $SrcIP limit 10
>>_sort by count_unique ASC

The _fetch directive retrieves all fields for each event where $Stream is FIREWALL. The result set is grouped by unique values of $SrcIP along with their individual row count.

The result set is sorted in the descending order of count_unique (by default). It is then limited to 10 rows. The output is as shown below:

image 1-Dec-06-2023-12-23-22-0380-PM

In the pipelined query function, the _sort directive reorders the result set in the ascending order of count_unique using the ASC keyword. The output is as shown below:

image 2-Dec-06-2023-12-23-33-2487-PM


You can also sort an alphanumeric field in ascending (a to z) or descending (z to a) order.