Search API

The DNIF Search API lets you develop an application that can retrieve and display results with the desired DQL query programmatically. With this API, you can use Restful requests to get search results for multiple streams with desired start and end time.


Ensure you have the following details before using the DNIF Search API

  • Console IP address
  • Cluster ID
  • API Token

The API Token can be generated from the DNIF Console. To generate the token you can visit Manage Token.

API Overview

Operation Description Rest HTTP mapping
invoke Returns the requested id of the search for the DQL query POST
get status Returns the status of task execution of requested id GET
get result Return the result of the search for the dql query GET

How to use API?

Method Details

Field Description
Response Format JSON
Requires Authentication? Yes

Query Parameters

Field Value
Invoke You can retrieve the task_id for a particular search by sending an HTTP POST request to its URL. You pass in the details of the search request as the query body.
Call /invoke


Field Value Description
URL https://<ipaddress>/<cluster_id>/wrk/api/job/invoke Url should include the following parameters:
  • ipaddress: IP address of DNIF Console
  • cluster_id: Cluster id of the cluster you want to query data

Request Header

Field Value
Token Specify the token generated from DNIF Console
Content-Type application/json

Request Body

Field Value Description
query_timezone (string) Asia/Kolkata Specify the time_zone in which you are executing the query
scope_id (string) default Specify the scope from where you want to retrieve data
job_type dql Specify the type of job you want to execute. Note: Only DQL is supported
job_execution on-demand Specify the supported execution type Note: Only on_demand executions are supported.
query (string) _fetch * from event where $Stream=FIREWALL AND $StartTime=2021-09-14T17:42:00 AND $EndTime=2021-09-14T18:13:32 limit 10 Specify the DQL (DNIF Query Language) query to retrieve data

All the above parameters fields are editable and are mandatory to invoke the call

Curl Command

curl -k --location --request POST 'https://<ipaddress>/<cluster_id>/wrk/api/job/invoke' \
--header 'Token: <token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"query_timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
"scope_id": "default",
"job_type": "dql",
"job_execution": "on-demand",
"query": "_fetch * from event where $Stream=FIREWALL AND $StartTime=2021-09-14T17:42:00 AND $EndTime=2021-09-14T18:13:32 limit 10"


Response contains all the details related to the invoked call, namely the status of the invoked call, the response results can be used to monitor progress, retrieve results, and/or delete it. Response will indicate whether the search is still being executed or it has completed or there was some error/failure.


Field Value Description
Status_code 200 This status indicates that the call invoked was successfully completed and the search results are displayed as per the query.
Status Success

Response Value 

"data": [
"id": "e646af00-66da-456f-a606-ca2b0a3dd19a-id-0",
"status": "PENDING"
"status": "success"


Field Value Description
Status_code 200 This status indicates that the call invoked could not be completed due to some syntax error in the query parameter.
Status Error

Response Value 

"message": "query --> _fetch * from event limit | Error --> SyntaxError in _fetch query must end with limit / first / last and a valid number",
"status": "error"


Field Value Description
Status_code 200 This status indicates that the call invoked could not be completed due to some parameter error.
Status Failed

Response Value 

"message": "Incorrect job_execution type",
"status": "failed"

Get Status

Method details

Field Description
Response Format JSON
Requires Authentication? Yes


Parameter Description/Value
/state To get the status of the invoke call, you need to send an HTTP GET request to its URL. You pass the id received from the invoke call as the query parameter.


Field Value Description
URL https://<ipaddress>/<cluster_id>/wrk/api/dispatcher/task/state/<task_id> Url should include the following parameters:
  • ipaddress: IP address of DNIF Console
  • cluster_id: Cluster id of the cluster you want to query data


Field Value
Token Specify the token generated from DNIF Console

Query parameter

Field Value
task_id: Specify the id received from the invoke call


Curl Command

 curl -k --location --request GET 'https://<ipaddress>/<cluster_id>/wrk/api/dispatcher/task/state/<task_id>' \
--header 'Token: <token>'

Response Status Code

Response status indicates whether a specific request has been successfully completed/Pending/failures.

Response Code Task Stage Task State


Field Value Description
Status_code 200 This status indicates that the call invoked was successfully completed and the search results are displayed as per the query.
Status Success

Response Value 

"status": "success",
"task_stage": "EXECUTED",
"task_state": "SUCCESS"

Check for the task_state result as success. When you get success as the result, execute the Get Result api to get the desired result.

Get Result

Method details

Field Description
Response Format JSON
Requires Authentication? Yes


Parameter Description/Value
/result You retrieve the result for the invoke call by sending an HTTP GET request to its URL. You pass the id received from the invoke call as the query parameter.


Field Value Description
URL https://<ipaddress>/<cluster_id>/wrk/api/dispatcher/task/result/<task_id>?pagesize=<limit>&pageno=<page_no> Url should include the following parameters:
  • ipaddress: IP address of DNIF Console
  • cluster_id: Cluster id of the cluster you want to query data


Field Value
Token Specify the token generated from DNIF Console

Query parameter

Field Value
task_id Specify the id received from the invoke call
pagesize Specify the number of records in one call
pageno Specify the next page number (starts with 1)

Curl Command

curl -k --location --request GET 'https://<ipaddress>/<cluster_id>/wrk/api/dispatcher/task/result/<task_id>?pagesize=<size>&pageno=<number>' \ --header 'Token: <token>'


Field Value Description
Status_code 200 This status indicates that the call invoked was successfully completed and the search results are displayed as per the query.
Status Success

Response Value 

{"apply_hidden":true,"execution_time":"1.7275 sec","fields_list":["$CNAMTime","$System","$SourceName","$SourceType","$Stream","$Action","$SrcIP","$SrcPort","$DstIP","$DstPort","$Proto","$TXLen","$RXLen","$SystemTstamp","$EvtLen","$EventName","$SrcType","$IntelReference","$Status","$Type","$DstType","$IntelURL","$App","$DevSrcIP","$DstLOC","$DstCN","$DstASN","$DstISP","$SrcLOC","$SrcCN","$SrcASN","$SrcISP","$ExtractorID","$EStatus","$PStatus"],"result":[{"$Action":"PACKET_BLOCKED","$App":null,"$CNAMTime":1630074479965,"$DevSrcIP":"","$DstASN":"396212","$DstCN":"US","$DstIP":"","$DstISP":"AIMS-COMMUNITY-COLLEGE","$DstLOC":"[40.3851,-104.6759]","$DstPort":"53413","$DstType":"PUBLIC","$EStatus":"EAD","$EventName":null,"$EvtLen":500,"$ExtractorID":"127","$IntelReference":null,"$IntelURL":null,"$PStatus":"PAD","$Proto":"UDP","$RXLen":0,"$SourceName":"FORTIGATE","$SourceType":"FIREWALL","$SrcASN":"-","$SrcCN":"CN","$SrcIP":"","$SrcISP":"-","$SrcLOC":"[23.1057,113.2023]","$SrcPort":"13031","$SrcType":"PUBLIC","$Status":"FAILED","$Stream":"FIREWALL","$System":"gotham-fortigate","$SystemTstamp":"2016-08-06","$TXLen":0,"$Type":null,"$Xhour":"2021082714","$Xminute":"202108271427"}],"source_stream":"FIREWALL","status":"success","task_status":"Task Executed Successfully","total_count":1}