
The distinct_count function lets you count unique occurrences of values of a specified field (or a combination of fields) in the result set. It groups rows based on unique values of a specified field (or combination of fields) and displays the count of each group.

stream=firewall | groupby dstcn |select dstcn, distinct_count(dstip), count(*) as total_count


  • Stream is Firewall
  • Groupby function allows to organize similar data into groups i.e. groupby destination country.
  • Select function helps you to retrieve records from one or more tables, the records retrieved are known as a result set.
  • The distinct_count feature eliminates the repetitive appearance of the same data. The distinct feature indicates that the particular value can appear only once in the results.

In this example, on execution it should retrieve all fields for each event where the stream is a firewall, retrieve the total count of rows that match the specific destination ip address, select and group it as per the destination country.